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Welcome to Alté View

Alté View is a holistic pain rehabilitation clinic in Great Neck that specializes in empowering clients to overcome stubborn and painful conditions by integrating natural treatment principles from both Eastern and Western medicine. The key to our success lies in our Six Pillar Holistic Method that enables us to heal, educate and empower each client, on a one-on-one mentorship level, so that they can better accomplish their own personal goals.

Alté View is a family owned clinic where you will always be provided with specialized care in a private setting. Caesar and Natalia Cantone are your personal team of healthcare professionals and are licensed experts in multiple fields of holistic treatment. We understand that you want to do more than "manage" your pain with drugs, surgery, or other invasive methods. In order to see if a natural, conservative treatment approach is the best fit for you, we offer a free consultation. 

Let's meet to discuss your treatment plan in person.

Testimonials from Our Clients

"If you're looking for someone to support your physical wellbeing, then I highly recommend this place!" 

Alté View values the professional relationship we build with our clients, and supports and encourages their regular feedback. In this effort we are constantly striving to provide you with the top healthcare services available.

We'd love to hear from you. Reach out to us and tell us about your experience with Alté View.

The Difference of the Six Pillar Holistic Method

Following a complimentary in-person consultation to discuss your painful problem, you may then have the option of continuing with our multi-visit comprehensive education, evaluation, and treatment program that we call the Six Pillar Holistic Method. Each session will focus on one "pillar," or component, of healing that will together form a complete foundation for treating your pain from a natural, holistic perspective. At the conclusion of these six sessions, you will then have a final consultation to reflect and discuss with us your preferred pillars, or treatment styles, for any ongoing care.

The most critical pillar in the process of accurately treating, and ultimately healing, any painful condition is properly identifying the problem and understanding what you're dealing with. Bodily pains often take on certain characteristic traits depending on the origin of the injured tissue. This can become more complicated over time, when the pain from one area transfers or combines its pain into another area, eventually becoming confusing and untreatable. Together we will have a thorough and detailed conversation and investigation into the nature of your pain. This will then be followed by observations of movement, palpation of the body, and special physical tests in order to rule out or confirm our suspicions before moving to the next pillar of treatment.

Are you ready to start investigating the origin of your painful problem? 

Male therapist measuring female patient shoulder with goniometer in clinic.jpg

Fascia is the connective tissue webbing that surrounds every nerve, muscle, and organ within your body. Any adhesions or contractions within the fascia, because of pain related to an injury, can exaggerate and even perpetuate the same pain over a long period of time. Motion acupuncture, or fascial release dry needling, is the most powerful and effective way to reduce these adhesions and relieve pain. It requires specific massage and careful insertion of acupuncture needles under the skin, followed by your own movement to allow the needle to "clean" up fascial restrictions. For those who do not tolerate acupuncture, we can use manual techniques, such as cupping or gua sha to partially replicate the dry needling effect.

Acupuncture Close Up

Are you ready to move with more freedom and less pain using fascial dry needling?

Many of our bodies' aches and pains can be significantly reduced, and some times even eliminated completely, if we are successfully able to avoid the provocative activities that make the pain worse. In most cases our bodies want to naturally heal, but daily bad habits at work and at home, continue to inflame our pain without us even realizing it at the time. Therefore, it is essential that we seriously analyze and discuss realistic ways to improve your ergonomics, computer posture and phone habits, repetitive activities in sports or at work, and any lifestyle behaviors that are preventing you from healing at your fullest potential.

Are you ready to improve your quality of life and reduce pain?

Businesswoman sitting at her desk tired and with a painful neck, isolated in white

Painful problems in your spine can create problems in your joints, and vice versa. That is because every function in your body is touched and affected by your nerves. When your posture is out of alignment, it can cause ongoing tension in your joints that creates pain. We use a special type of joint repositioning technique to gently and slowly realign your painful body parts while you are actively moving. This is very helpful in overcoming painful activities, because your body will be able to learn how to reposition itself correctly with hands on support. Unlike certain chiropractic manipulations that can make you feel nervous or afraid, this is soft, powerful, and guided by your own comfortability with the movement.

Chiropractic, osteopathy, dorsal manipulation. Therapist  doing healing treatment on man's

Are you ready to take the next step toward healing with joint realignment therapy?

Your core is essentially an internal point of control within your body, and your posture is your body's stress reaction to the control gravity has on you. You cannot be strong and function with less pain having a compromised posture, or weakened sense of control over your body. Finding this inner "core" strength is very challenging for many people, but it is essential to moving better with less impairments. We will develop key foundational exercises for you to practice at home so that you can continue to maintain progress independently outside of the clinic. For some people we may create orthotics to help expedite the return of a healthy posture and improve core strength.

Are you ready to find your core and strengthen your posture?

Abdomen Exercise

This last pillar of holistic pain treatment is truly the most comprehensive because it focuses on internal stress reduction and facilitating a deep level of healing through Traditional Chinese Medicine style acupuncture. Here your body will use the stimulation of the needle to calm your sympathetic nervous system and reduce the "stress response" that continues to promote inflammation and prevent healing. If you do not want acupuncture because of a fear of needles, we may employ cupping, acupressure, warming treatments, herbal and Eastern nutrition food recommendations, specific breathing exercises, and other Eastern therapies to support the session.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Are you ready to treat yourself holistically with Eastern Medicine? 

© Alté View Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, and Nutrition, PLLC has a scope of practice that is limited to Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, and Dietetics-Nutrition only.   While an acupuncturist can provide an Eastern Medicine diagnosis, and a physical therapist can provide a functional impairment diagnosis, we do not provide a medical diagnosis.  Alternative View can support, refute, or suggest a medical diagnosis that can only be confirmed by a licensed physician. Any living space renovation advice you receive, whether in part or in whole, is in recommendation only and not meant to ignore, contradict, or substitute the advice of any medical professionals managing your care.  

505 Northern Blvd., Suite 101; Great Neck, NY 11021

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